All of the private schools in Memphis received high rankings in recent years. Their educational programs are good and the student to teacher ratio is less than what is average in most public schools. Smaller class sizes contribute to a higher success rate in this city. The good rankings don't stop with the educational programs. There are also supplemental programs that receive high rankings. After-school programs like Hutchinson After School care are available and provide a great, nurturing haven for your child to get work done after school.
Another good choice for parents who prefer that their children experience individualized learning is one of the many Montessori schools in the area. Some of these include Maria Montessori, First Class Montessori, and Evergreen Montessori School.
Tennessee has a progressive push to include more of these institutions in its cities. Parents who enroll their children in Memphis Montessori schools are encouraged to apply early. Most of theses schools have small classes, so open seats fill up quickly. Prices vary for the Memphis Montessori schools, based on capacity and location. Most of these schools are located east of the river, but there are a few in West Memphis.