Opticians Association of America

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4064 Fir Hill Dr E
Lakeland, TN 38002 East MemphisRate and review
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Individual Member Requirements:

Any person who is employed as a dispensing optician and has passed the ABO, NCLE, or State Equivalent Examination or is a member of an OAA State Association and is in sympathy with the purposes and objectives of the Association shall be eligible for an Honored Fellow Membership provided such person is not a proprietor, partner or officer of an optical dispensing firm or practice. If you are a member of a state association that is a member of OAA, you are eligible for a Dual-Honored Fellow Membership. Proprietors, partners and officers of Firm Members shall be eligible for Firm or Guild Membership(s).

The Opticians Association of America's mission is to serve as the single unified voice of the profession of opticianry and to the commitment of promoting the professional stature of opticians through leadership, education, legislative representation, and communication.

Under OAA's very broad umbrella, individuals providing eyeglasses or contact lenses to consumers, as well as owners / managers of retail optical firms, opticianry educators, state opticians associations and societies, and suppliers to professional opticians find a common goal in Advancing America's Opticians.

The Opticians Association of America (OAA) fosters, supports and sponsors programs of competency certification, licensing and continuing education for the professional development of all opticians.

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