Crepemaker Collierville


    4630 Merchants Park Cir
    Collierville, TN 38017 GermantownRate and review
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    The original CrêpeMaker® was established in 1992, an idea inspired by French crêpes sold from Parisian street carts. Instead of those simple crêpes filled with sugar, CrêpeMaker® owners Christopher Hoffman and Maria Suñe imagined a non-traditional crêpe filled with fresh, healthy food combinations, made right in front of customers, that would satisfy the heartiest of appetites and the sweetest tooth.Using their life savings of $10,000, they began by selling crêpes on the streets of downtown Miami and by popular demand started to cater to individuals and businesses. Subsequently they opened up a cozy café in Pinecrest, Florida. The crêpe trend quickly took hold of Miami, and Chris and Maria’s dream became a reality. From there they developed brand recognition, style, look and operations into the mold that launched a nationwide craving for crêpes. CrêpeMaker® is now the largest crêpe concept in the United States. The CrêpeMaker® family has expanded from Puerto Rico to California.

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