To accomplish our mission, Creative Aging hires professional artists to present high quality arts performances and workshops where older adults live or gather. Most performances take place in nursing homes, retirement communities, senior centers, and adult day care facilities. Performances and workshops are scheduled at times that are convenient for our audiences, and in formats responsive to the needs of audiences with cognitive and/or physical disabilities.
Since 2005, Creative Aging has presented more than 4,300 programs at older adult residential facilities throughout the Mid-South and paid more than $625,000 in performance fees to local artists.
Arts-related programs like those presented by Creative Aging have a significant and measurable impact on elders' mental and physical well-being. Older adults who participate in arts programs report a higher overall rating of physical health, fewer doctor visits, less medication use, fewer instances of falls, and fewer other health problems than those who do not participate.
The most popular Creative Aging programs are musical performances. Other programs include workshops where participants have the opportunity to create their own art, including multi-part classes in weaving, painting, and photography. Each workshop takes place over several weeks providing participants with ample time to learn, interact with the artists and their volunteer assistants, and share their finished works.